Membership Starts Here
When you join Farm Bureau, you become a member of a County Farm Bureau. Voting members (who must generate at least $2,500 in gross income annually from farming or ranching activities) are the engine that run our grassroots organization. Voting members can serve as volunteer leaders at the county level; identify issues that can be worked upon at the local level and potentially state level; and make real change for the betterment of Oregon agriculture.
Each County Farm Bureau is unique and offers programs, activities, and events specifically for the local members.
Below is the County Farm Bureau monthly meeting schedule. For exact times and locations, email the County Farm Bureau contact directly (scroll down) or email

County Presidents

Baker County
Jarrod Maxwell
Baker County Farm Bureau President Jarrod Maxwell grows red wheat and peppermint.
County Meeting: 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Benton County
Wes Miller
Benton County Farm Bureau President Wes Miller raises alfalfa, wheat, cattle, hay, and grain.
County Meeting: 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7:30 p.m. at Elmer’s in Corvallis.

Clackamas County
Frank Battilega
Clackamas County Farm Bureau President Frank Battilega grows hazelnuts after generations of growing fresh-market vegetables.
County Meeting: 2nd Thursday of the month Gwynn’s Coffee House, 190 NW 2nd Street in Canby.

Clatsop County
Mike Seppa
Clatsop County Farm Bureau President Mike Seppa is a retired dairy farmer.
County Meeting: Contact Mike Seppa for date and time.

Columbia County
Marie Gadotti
Columbia County Farm Bureau President Marie Gadotti grows wheat, corn silage, peas, hay, clover seed, clover silage, and cattle.
County Meeting: 4th Monday of the month, please call 503-543-6573 to verify date and time of meeting.

Crook-Wheeler County
Tim Deboodt
Crook-Wheeler County Farm Bureau President Tim Deboodt raises alfalfa, cattle, and sheep.
County Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Deschutes County
Matt Cyrus
Deschutes County Farm Bureau President Matt Cyrus raises hay, cattle, and industrial hemp.
County Meeting: 1st Thursday each month in Sisters. No meetings in July, August & December.

Douglas County
Troy Michaels
Douglas County Farm Bureau President Troy Michaels raises beef cattle, sheep, goats, timber, and hay.
County Meeting: 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Gilliam County
Raymond Harrison
Gilliam County Farm Bureau President Raymond Harrison raises cattle.
County Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the month (excluding July and August) at JB’s Grill in Condon, 12:00 p.m.

Grant County
Shaun Robertson
Grant County Farm Bureau President Shaun Robertson raises cattle and native grass seed.
County Meeting: 4th Monday of the month, Outpost Restaurant in John Day.

Harney County
Crystal Otley
County Meeting: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 5pm, Pine Room, 543 W Monroe, Burns, OR 97720

Hood River County
Devon Wells
Hood River County Farm Bureau President Devon Wells is a pear, apple, and cherry orchardist.
County Meeting: contact President Devon Wells at 541.490.6519 for more information.

Jackson County
Robert Freeman
Jackson County Farm Bureau President Robert Freeman raises hay and cattle.
County Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of the month in Eagle Point.

Jefferson County
Sue Vanek
County Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 pm in Madras.

Josephine County
Bob Crouse
Josephine County Farm Bureau President Bob Crouse runs a dairy and grows berries, vegetables, greenhouse products, pumpkins, sweet corn, garlic, and onions.
County Meeting: 3rd Monday of the month
Klamath-Lake County
Mieke Dejong
Klamath-Lake County Farm Bureau President Mieke Dejong farms alfalfa silage, a variety of grain silages, corn, and sugar beets. She also milks Organic Holstein and Jersey cows at her dairy farm.
Board Meeting: 1st Monday of the month.

Lane County
Shane Ruddell
Lane County President Shane Ruddell farms hazelnuts.
County Meeting: 4th Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm.

Lincoln County
Cathy Steere
County Meeting: please contact President Cathy Steere for more information.

Linn County
Denver Pugh
Linn County Farm Bureau President Denver Pugh grows grass seed, white radish seed, white clover, turnips, wheat, meadowfoam, and hazelnuts.
County Meeting: 2nd Monday of each month (except July & August); 6:00 p.m.

Marion County
Dana Estensen
Marion County Farm Bureau President Dana Estensen is a wine grape grower.
County Meeting: 2nd Wednesday of the month in Salem.
Marion County Farm Bureau website.

Multnomah County
Larry Bailey
Multnomah County Farm Bureau President Larry Bailey raises ornamental trees.
County Meeting: 3rd Thursday of the month; 7:00 pm; Jan-May and Sep-Oct.
Multnomah County Farm Bureau website.
Multnomah County Farm Bureau Facebook.

Polk County
Dave Hiebenthal
County Meeting: 1st Monday of the month in Rickreall.
Follow Polk County Farm Bureau on Facebook.

Sherman County
Logan Padget
Sherman County President Logan Padget raises wheat.
County Meeting: contact President Logan Padget for more information.

Tillamook County
Garritt Kuipers
County Meeting: contact President Garritt Kuipers for more information.

Umatilla-Morrow County
Paul Goodwin
Umatilla-Morrow County Farm Bureau President Paul Goodwin raises wheat and alfalfa.
County Meeting: contact President Paul Goodwin for more information.

Union County
Curt Ricker
Union County Farm Bureau President Curt Ricker grows grass seed, peppermint, wheat, and barley.
County Meeting: 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. in Island City.

Wallowa County
Woody Wolfe
Wallowa County Farm Bureau President Woody Wolfe raises cattle, alfalfa, and timothy hay.
Board Meeting: contact President Woody Wolfe for more information.

Wasco County
Ken Polehn
Wasco County Farm Bureau President Ken Polehn grows sweet cherries, pears, and table grapes.
County Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the month (except June and December).
Follow Wasco County Farm Bureau on Facebook.

Washington County
Nic Vial
Washington County Farm Bureau President Nic Vial raises cattle, hay, and Christmas trees.
County Meeting: 3rd Monday of the month in Hillsboro.

Yamhill County
Jerry Mann
Yamhill County Farm Bureau President Jerry Mann raises chickens, cattle, alfalfa, and orchard grass.
County Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the month in McMinnville.