County Farm Bureau Scholarships
Benton County Farm Bureau is pleased to assist the youth of Benton County in pursuing
further education.
Be a Benton County resident and be currently enrolled or accepted to enroll this year at an accredited school of higher education. The applicant must show how their chosen field relates to, or benefits agriculture.
· Student must be studying Agriculture, Forestry or Ag related fields.
· Full time student (minimum of 12 credits or units per quarter or term).
· Two letters of recommendation will be required. One from a non-related teacher, and
· one from a non-related adult.
· Completed application form. An incomplete or late application will be disqualified.
· Official transcript from most recent school attended. High School or College.
· Signature. Application must be signed.
Completed applications must be returned by June 1, 2025 A personal interview may
be held with the top applicants. If applicant fails to enroll and attend by January 2026,
funds will not be awarded.
Applicants receiving a scholarship will be invited to the annual meeting of the Benton
County Farm Bureau, held in October. If unable to attend, a letter can be
submitted to be read at the meeting, which tells about the recipient and his or her
academic plans.
There will be at least 3 scholarships awarded up to $1000 each along with a Farm Bureau membership if qualified applications are received.
For more information, Anne Rigor 4190 NE Hwy 20, Corvallis, OR 97330
E-mail,, 541-754-9115
Application deadline June 1, 2025
Access the application here.
2025 Coos-Curry County Farm Bureau Scholarship
The Coos-Curry County Farm Bureau is offering two $2,000 scholarships for the 2025-26 school year. The scholarships will be given to high school seniors who plan to major in an agriculture related field at an Oregon college, university or community college. Current Oregon college students who are majoring in an agricultural related field are also eligible to apply.
Coos-Curry County Farm Bureau also opened up their scholarship criteria to include students of Coos-Curry County Farm Bureau Voting and Supporting members who will be attending an Oregon college, university, or community college in the field of their choice during the 2025-26 school year.
Financial need is not the primary basis for selection but is a factor in the selection process. Academic performance, agriculture achievements in FFA or 4-H, and/or participation in school and community activities are basic criteria evaluated by the Coos-Curry County Farm Bureau Scholarship Committee.
Application forms can be found here.
They can also be obtained by calling 541-347-3453.
Completed applications with a high school or college transcript are due by April 1st, 2025.
Students selected will be notified in writing by April 15th.
We are offering scholarships to students whose families are voting or supporting members of the Deschutes County Chapter of Oregon Farm Bureau. The program has been expanded to allow all fields of study with preference given to agriculture or forestry studies.
Deadline for returning completed applications is April 30, 2025. Please feel free to make as many copies of the guidelines and the application as you will need.
We are offering a $1,000 Scholarship in each School District in Deschutes County
3 County wide $1,500 Scholarships to a returning college/continuing education student already enrolled in classes
2 - $1,000 Trades Scholarships
NEW - $1,500 Lance Hill Memorial Scholarship.
High School and Trades students are encouraged to apply for the Returning Student Scholarship after completing their first year of college/school. Returning and Trades students are welcome to reapply for as long as they are in school.
Checks will be issued to your College/School for your student account.
Winners will be determined by the Board of Directors of the Deschutes County Farm Bureau. Applicants will be judged based on field of study, need, accuracy of completing application, and the short biography.
You need to be a Voting or Supporting member of DCFB to apply.
Grade transcripts will need to be submitted with the applications.
Applications must be RECEIVED (not postmarked) by April 30, 2025.
For applications or more information see your High School Counselor or contact Deschutes County Farm Bureau.
Applications can also be found here.
Deschutes County Farm Bureau, Attn. Scholarship
PO Box 2229
Sisters OR. 97759
For more information contact Matt Cyrus @ 541-771-4980 or Tom Maddux @ 541-419-7669 or
Deschutes County Farm Bureau reserves the right to award more, less, or none of the above Scholarships at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
2025 Linn County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Linn County Farm Bureau promotes involvement with education in agriculture, leadership, and attracting new students to agriculture, thus promoting a future in agriculture.
Applicants must be from Linn County, Oregon, including graduates of Linn County, Oregon high schools including homeschool.
Pursuing a college degree or trade certification in agriculture, forestry, or related field.
The applicant must be a graduating high school senior or a full-time freshman, sophomore, or junior at an accredited college or trade school.
Minimum GPA of 2.8 or GED score
Full time student (12 credits/quarter, minimum)
Incomplete applications and applicants not meeting the minimum eligibility requirements will not be considered.
Application Deadline is April 8, 2025
Award Amount
The scholarship may be awarded up to $1,000.
Complete the official application and sign
Provide High School transcript(s)
Provide College transcript(s), showing GPA and all courses to date.
Provide two (2) letters of recommendation. One letter must be from an employer, agriculture/ forestry advisor/instructor, or teacher. Letters must be from a non-relative.
Applicant’s one-page essay describing your reason for choosing your desired agriculture / forestry profession.
Completed forms can be submitted electronically or via USPS and must be received by April 8, 2025.
If emailing, please send to
If sending via USPS, please mail to:
Linn County Farm Bureau
Attn: Scholarship Committee
33254 Highway 99E
Tangent, OR 97389
Find & Print Application here.
Application deadline: April 8th, 2025
2024 Marion County Farm Bureau Scholarships
Marion County has multiple scholarships available.
To find scholarships and specific details about each follow this link:
Scholarship applications will be judged by a panel of Marion County Farm Bureau members and judged on accuracy, neatness and organization, financial need, agricultural experience, and GPA. Scholarships ranging up to $2500 may be awarded. Award recipients will also receive a one-year supporting membership to the Marion County Farm Bureau.
Download and complete the application. All scholarships use the same application.
Provide a current semester high school and/or college (if applicable) transcript.
Provide two letters of recommendation. One must be from an employer or agricultural advisor.
Write a biography including reasons for your choice of major subject and what your plans are for the future. (Limit to one single-spaced 8.5″ x 11″ page.)
Write a personal statement describing your agricultural experiences, if any. This may include past work experiences. (Limit to one single-spaced 8.5″ x 11″ page.)
Please make sure you have a complete application and all supporting documents before submitting. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
To Apply:
You can submit your application and supporting documents two ways:
Electronically– You can email your application and supporting documents to Packets must be received by April 15.
Mail– Completed forms can be mailed to: Marion County Farm Bureau, Attn. Scholarships, PO Box 12216, Salem OR 97309.
All applications must be received by April 15, 2024.
Questions? Contact our office at or 503-877-1999
2024 Polk County Farm Bureau Scholarship
To support Polk County high school graduates who plan to further their education at a college or university to attain their 2-year, 4-year or graduate level degree in an agriculture, forestry, environmental or natural resource science related field.
Make financial assistance available to Polk County students to encourage success in their education goals that will prepare them to address future challenges related to production agriculture, environmental or natural resource science fields.
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicant must enroll in classes for the fall 2024 term.
Applicant must successfully complete 12 hours minimum per quarter or semester equivalent.
Applicant must major in an agriculture, forestry, environmental or natural resource field.
Applicant must meet ONE of the following requirements:
Applicant must have been a resident of Polk County during their high school years
Applicant must have attended high school in Polk County
Applicant or parents must be Polk County Farm Bureau members
How to Apply:
All applicants need to submit the following documents for consideration:
Polk County Farm Bureau Scholarship Application Form. Find it here.
Sealed, certified copy of applicant’s transcript for the last full year of school. This may include a combination of high school, community college, junior college or university.
Three (3) letters of recommendation submitted with the application is preferred. Any letter of recommendation that is submitted separate from the application must be postmarked no later than May 3. The scholarship application must contain the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of references.
Application Deadline:
Application must be postmarked on or before May 3 or delivered in person be to a member of the Polk County Farm Bureau Board/Secretary no later than May 3
Up to a combined total of $3,000 in scholarship funds may be awarded each year to the top 3 or 4 applicants.
The Polk County Farm Bureau Selection Committee reserves the right to award scholarships based on the clarity, accuracy, completeness, and relevancy of applications. The Committee further reserves the right to select scholarship recipient(s) using their best judgment of which applicant’s stated goals, intent and accomplishments best exemplifies the purpose of these scholarships. The selection committee reserves the right to prioritize applicants in agriculture and natural resource fields of study.
Signature and Authorization:
Applicant’s signature is required. The signature of the applicant certifies the information provided in the application is true and correct.
Parent/Guardian shall sign application as witness. The applicant agrees, if selected for a scholarship, to attend the institution identified in the application and will pursue the major of study listed in the application. The applicant may change their major and maintain the scholarship if they stay in a field of agriculture, forestry, environmental or natural resource science.
**Applicant understands and agrees that failure to comply with the above may render the applicant ineligible for the scholarship granted and the applicant may be required to return any remaining unused portions of the scholarship to the Polk County Farm Bureau.**
Send applications to:
Polk County Farm Bureau
C/O Anne Rigor, Secretary
4190 NE Hwy 20
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
If you have any questions feel free to contact the Polk County Farm Bureau Secretary, Anne Rigor at 541-740-6025.
2024 Umatilla-Morrow County Farm Bureau Scholarship
The Umatilla-Morrow County Farm Bureau is announcing the continuation of their scholarship program. UMCFB will award up to $3,000.00 in scholarships to high school seniors in Umatilla and Morrow counties who will be attending any school of higher education, including: trade school, university, and community college. Priority consideration will be given to those with an agricultural background, FFA, or an intended major in an agriculture-related field.
Students will be selected by a scholarship committee of UMCFB board members.
Successful applicants will be selected based on accomplishments and need. It is not necessary for a family member to be a member of UMCFB, nor is a high GPA a requirement. Emphasis will be placed on ability, personal goals, school and community participation, and citizenship.
Scholarship applications are available at all Umatilla and Morrow County High Schools, and can also be accessed here.
All applications must be printed and sent to the address below with the required documents to the address below by April 15, 2024.
Please closely follow the directions set forth by the scholarship committee regarding what information is to be included with the application. Please DO NOT add extra pages; list only the top five of each section. We DO NOT accept Letters of Recognition. Make sure you are submitting the 2024 application as the essay topic changes every year!
For more information, contact the UMCFB Scholarship Committee in care of:
Julia Spratling
P.O. Box 309
Helix, Oregon 97835
(541) 457-6045
2024 Washington County Farm Bureau High School Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship is for 2025 high school graduates from Washington County, Oregon with the intent to study for a degree in agriculture, education, nursing, vocational training or related fields that will serve the agricultural community.
Applications must be received by Monday, April 7th, 2025 to be reviewed by the Washington County Farm Bureau Scholarship Committee.
Find the High School Application here.
2024 Washington County Farm Bureau Collegiate Scholarship
This scholarship is for full time students that are currently enrolled in higher education that are from Washington County in Oregon and are studying for a degree in agriculture, education, nursing, vocational training or related fields that will serve the agricultural community.
Applications must be received by Monday, April 7th, 2025 to be reviewed by the Washington County Farm Bureau Scholarship Committee.
Find the Collegiate Application here.
2024 Union County Farm Bureau Scholarship
To support Union County high school graduates and returning college students who plan to further their education at a college or university to attain their 2-year, 4-year or graduate level degree in an agriculture, forestry, environmental, natural resource science or vocational/trade related field.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Applicant must enroll in classes for the fall term.
2. Applicant must successfully complete 12 hours minimum per quarter or semester equivalent.
3. Applicant must major in agriculture, forestry, environmental, natural resource or vocational/trade related field.
4. Applicant or parents must be Union County Farm Bureau members. Membership may be obtained online by visiting
5. Applicant must have been a resident of Union County during their high school years OR have attended high school in Union County.

2025 Harney County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Application Postmark Deadline: April 15, 2025
Return to:
Harney County Farm Bureau
P.O. Box 833
Burns, Oregon 97720
The Harney County Farm Bureau Scholarship for $1,000.00 is available to graduating high school seniors, and current college students of Harney County. The goal of the scholarship is to support Harney County students that will have a positive impact on production agriculture, or other agricultural related and forestry fields.
Find Scholarship here.
Please complete this form in FULL. Incomplete applications are considered ineligible. (Examples: If an attachment is used to complete an item, be sure to write, see attachment, and then correctly label your attachment with the appropriate item number, your name AND follow the same format used in the Scholarship Application. Do not leave any item blank.)
Printable Application can be found here.
Contact Catherine Hammond, Harney County Farm Bureau Secretary
2024 Clackamas County Farm Bureau Scholarship
PURPOSE: Farm Bureau supports an informed agricultural community and wants to help those pursuing a career in agriculture or related field at a trade school, two- or four-year institution of higher learning.
ELIGIBILITY: Clackamas County Farm Bureau Scholarships are available to any Clackamas County High School graduate, current county resident or prior recipient. Required High School/ College GPA of 2.8. Application is available to persons pursuing a career in agriculture or related field.
AWARD AMOUNT: Scholarships will be awarded at a minimum of $500 maximum of $3000 per awarded recipient. Scholarship will be valid for 18 months after award.
1. High School transcript
2. All college transcripts (if applicable)
3. Name of college attending or college(s) applying to
4. Two letters of recommendation. One letter from ag advisor or teacher and one personal recommendation from non-relative
5. A hand written one page letter detailing reasons for pursuing a degree in agriculture or related field. This letter should include your financial need as well. Letter can be mailed to CCFB P.O. Box 961 Canby, OR 97013 or a scan may be uploaded to this google drive.
6. Resume detailing work experiences, volunteer work, leadership activities and participation in 4-H, FFA, and other agricultural activities. Include in this resume any honors or recognition received. (Note: this document would be the same resume you would use applying for employment)
7. Completed Application Form.
Find Application here!
2024 Lane County Farm Bureau Scholarship
The Lane County Farm Bureau (LCFB) believes in the value of education and wants to support the future of agriculture and other valuable fields by offering scholarships to qualified applicants.
The following criteria will be used in determining who will be eligible for the scholarships:
1. The applicant must be completing their senior year in an accredited Lane County high school, or be a homeschooled student who is completing their senior year while a resident of Lane County, or be a Lane County high school graduate presently enrolled in higher education.
The applicant can also apply if they are the child/grandchild of a current LCFB member AND are one of the following: completing their senior year in an accredited high school in Oregon, or be a homeschooled student who is completing their senior year while a resident of Oregon, or be a Oregon high school graduate presently enrolled in higher education.
2. Priority will be given to those students studying forestry or an agricultural-related field. For priority consideration, the applicant must also demonstrate an involvement in these fields. Examples include school courses taken, 4-H or FFA activities, participation in county fairs, involvement with farms or ranches, and/or community or employment activities related to forestry or agriculture.
3. Emphasis for selection will be placed on fields of study, academic standing, and initiative. Past recipients are eligible to reapply each year for a scholarship.
4. Applicants may be requested to appear for an interview. Scholarship recipients may be invited to attend the LCFB annual meeting. It is understood that submission of the completed applications gives permission to the LCFB to utilize recipients’ names and/or pictures for purposes of furthering the mission of the LCFB.
The scholarships are to be used at accredited schools, which include technical schools, two-year or four-year colleges. The institutions may be in the State of Oregon, or any location within the United States. After notification of registration at the institution(s) by the scholarship recipient(s), total payment of the scholarship(s) will be mailed to the registrar to be evenly applied on each quarter’s or semester’s tuition for that school year.
If the recipient does not register at an institution for the fall quarter or first semester following the award of the scholarship, the recipient has until the following fall term to begin to use the scholarship. In such a case, the recipient must make a written request by August 1, 2024 to the LCFB Scholarship Committee detailing their intention for beginning to use the scholarship by October 1, 2025.
The applicant shall be enrolled or expected to be enrolled as a full-time student.
Exceptions to the full-time requirement would have to be explained to the LCFB Scholarship Committee in order to be considered.
Scholarship Form can be found HERE
Scholarship application deadline—to be postmarked or emailed and received by: June 14, 2024.
Applications received after that date, or incomplete applications, will not be considered.
Questions about the scholarships may be directed to Shane Ruddell 541-510-3901 or Anne Rigor 541-740-6025.
2024 Yamhill County Farm Bureau Scholarship
The Yamhill County Farm Bureau is pleased to assist Yamhill County high school graduates in pursuit of furthering their education. There will be two, one-year scholarships awarded of $2,000.00 each.
The applicant must be a full time student who has successfully completed at least one year of
higher education at an accredited college or university, and plans to continue his/her education at
an accredited college.
The applicant must have a major in agriculture or an agriculture-related field.
Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 for the last college term.
Is a full time college student (minimum of 12 credits or units per quarter or term)
Graduate of a Yamhill County high school or be a resident of Yamhill Co. during the student’s
senior year in high school.
Completed and signed application.
Two letters of recommendation from non-related persons.
Official Transcript from all colleges/universities attended. Transcripts must be sealed and sent
directly from the college or universities to the Yamhill County Farm Bureau.
All of these application requirements must be received no later than August 1, 2024. All paperwork and verification required will be date stamped when received. If all the requirements are not received, the application cannot be considered.
Application can be found HERE
All application materials, which include an official transcript and 2 references, must be received at YAMCO Farm Bureau, 1215 N. Adams, Suite C, McMinnville, OR 97128 by August 1, 2024.
Farm Bureau membership is not required.
Scholarship Committee will first determine if the candidate’s application and required attachments
were received by the required deadline.
The Scholarship Committee will thoroughly study information supplied by each candidate to
determine which candidates are most qualified. A personal interview by phone or in person may be held with the top applicants.
The scholarship recipients will be notified by mail by October 1, 2024.
Funds not requested by the successful applicant(s) will not be awarded.
Applicants receiving a scholarship will be required to give a brief presentation at the Yamhill County Farm Bureau annual meeting, usually held in November. If the recipients cannot attend the meeting, they will submit a letter, telling about themselves and their academic achievements and plans, which will be read at the meeting.
2025 Douglas County Farm Bureau Scholarship
1. The Douglas County Farm Bureau will award up to five scholarships in the amount of $1000 each to a student:
A. who is completing his/her senior year in an accredited Douglas County high school, or
B. who is a Douglas County high school graduate presently enrolled in higher education, or
C. who is a homeschool student who has completed his/her studies while a resident of
Douglas County.
The applicant must be either pursuing a field of study in agriculture or forestry or be a child/grandchild of a voting Douglas County Farm Bureau member (in which case any major will be considered).
This scholarship is to be used at an accredited school. The accredited school may be a technical school, a 2-year college, or a 4-year university. The higher education institution may be in the state of Oregon or out-of-state. A check will be issued directly to the school. The funds will be split evenly between the terms or semesters. If the recipient does not register at a school for the Fall quarter or semester, the recipient must make a written request to the Douglas County Farm Bureau Scholarship Committee detailing his/her intentions for using the scholarship by August 1, 2025. If the recipient does not use the scholarship, and a written request for holding the funds for one year is not made, an alternate may be awarded the funds.
Past recipients are eligible to reapply each year for a scholarship.
2. The applicant must demonstrate an interest in agriculture or forestry. Interest can be demonstrated through school courses taken, 4-H activities, FFA activities, participation in county fair activities, involvement with family farm/ranch, and/or community/employment experiences related to agriculture or forestry. (Courses and activities may have been done in high school, college, or a combination of both.)
3. The applicant shall be enrolled/expect to be enrolled as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution of higher education (college, university, or technical school). Exceptions to the full-time requirement would have to be considered by the Scholarship Committee.
4. Emphasis for selection will be placed on academic standing, initiative, and interest in agriculture/forestry.
5. All materials submitted shall be typed.
6. Applicants may be requested to appear for an interview.
7. It is understood that submission of this completed application gives permission to the Douglas County Farm Bureau Scholarship Committee to utilize your name and/or picture for promotional purposes to further the mission of the Douglas County Farm Bureau Scholarship Committee.
8. The deadline for receiving scholarship applications is March 15, 2025 by 5:00 pm. Applications received after that date and time will not be considered.
Applications will not be accepted via e-mail or FAX. Applications are to be mailed or hand-delivered.
Application can be found here.
If you have questions, please contact:
Holly Michaels
P.O. Box 208
Days Creek, OR 97429
(541) 825-3760
Applications must be sent to Holly Michaels.
Grant County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Grant County Farm Bureau is pleased to assist the youth of Grant County in pursuing
further education. We award scholarships annually and a Farm Bureau student membership to each recipient.
1. Current or former Grant County resident.
2. Enrollment or acceptance at an accredited school of higher education in a natural resource or agricultural/industrial/business related field of study.
3. Two years high school participation in 4H/FFA, other agricultural or industrial arts related organization.
4. Full-time (minimum 12 credits or units per quarter or term) course of study).
1. Evidence of eligibility requirements.
2. Demonstrated relationship between student’s major field of study and agriculture.
3. Two letters of recommendation; one from an unrelated teacher and the second from an unrelated adult.
4. Completed, signature application form. Incomplete or untimely applications will not be accepted.
5. Official transcript from most recent school attended.
1. Applications and supporting materials submitted by June 1st, 2025.
2. A personal interview may be held with applicants by the selection committee.
3. Selection committee will select and notify awardees by June 30th, 2025. Funds will be dispersed directly to the awardees’ school following the student’s successful completion of their first term/semester and proof of continued enrollment.
4. Applicants receiving a scholarship will be invited to attend and speak or submit a written update at the annual meeting of the Grant County Farm Bureau, generally held in September.
For more information contact Charlene Morris, Grant County Farm Bureau President; or 541-379-8190.
Download the application here.
Oregon Farm Bureau Scholarships
Oregon Farm Bureau Memorial Scholarship
OFB Memorial Scholarship Eligibility:
Graduates of Oregon high schools
Graduates of Oregon homeschools if parents or grandparents are voting Oregon Farm Bureau members
Major: Agriculture or Forestry OR
Any major: Children or grandchildren of voting Oregon Farm Bureau Federation members
GPA: 3.00+
Enrollment: Full-time enrollment required
Colleges: Public and nonprofit only
FAFSA: Not required – not based on financial need
Apply-compete annually; may be received for a maximum of 4 years
Applications open December 1, 2024.
The scholarship application deadline is 5 p.m. on March 1, 2025.
For more information, email